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Vintage-styled photos have quite the demand all over the world. They have the vintage touch and a high aesthetic appealing that never seems to get old. These vintage photos speak something about nostalgia, how people inhabited the past, humanity, songs and culture, classic tastes, and many more aspects. When we take a look, they could take us to something that is deep, pure, and highly aesthetic. There are no filters left enough to say that they were raw photos once.

day, some high-quality cameras and smartphones are capable of capturing photos with proper clarity and high resolution. On Instagram, for example, we can see images in high colored, gaining maximum attention and grabbing engagement. Although there is more of a craze of colored pictures uploaded on Instagram, vintage photos may also take the highlight as there are quite a few people who can relate to the vintage look. Above all, the younger Instagram users are using vintage filters to create their classy – dreamy feed and rope in more likes and comments

make your instagram photos look vintage

How To Make Your Instagram Posts Look Vintage

If you want to try and create the vintage look for your photos on Instagram, here are some tips on how to change the edit of your colored photos into vintage  by either editing manually or using preset filters:

1. Work Upon The Photo Saturation

The colors present in the vintage photos are faded, and the details are flat and monotone. The easiest way of shrinking the color of your current photo and getting its details flat is to work upon and reduce the saturation. You may want to make it a little more contrasting to create a tinge of color.

2. Using Retro Filters

If you are not accustomed to self-edit your photos, you may want to download and use a photo editing app to get an instant retro look. It is easy to find a photo editing app on the play store that has a retro filter. There are numerous photo editing apps, and almost all of them have one. Apart from manually doing the edit, these apps create a vintage look for your photo. If you do not seem to be happy with your results, you can always alter the number of filters you want to put on your photos.

3. Apply Vignette

Using a vignette on your photos can also give out a retro-vintage vibe. The vignette effect is used to grab people’s attention to the important details of the photo. It darkens the sides, lessens the brightness and saturation, and creates a central focus on the details of the subject. Most of the photo edit apps and tools have this feature built-in.

4. Adjust The Warmth

The warmth present in your photo is the recorded light of an image. The amount of warmth is important as it makes vintage photos look soft and timeless. Most of the vintage photos have a bright warmth on them because they do not have the same technology for exposure as we have now and most used sunlight only. Therefore, warmer photos look better with the vintage blend.

5. Add Grain or Noise

If you study vintage photos, most of them are grainy as well as noisy. Grainy and noisy photos are classic examples of vintage photos, especially in black and white. To create your classic photos, adding grain or noise is a must. This can make a difference and make your photos stand out.

If you want to  experiment with your pictures in a professional way, you need to use photo editing software such as:

  • Adobe Photoshop – This software can be used both online or offline. Although online is the fastest and the simplest way to enrich and recreate your photo offline is known for more advanced features.
  • Adobe Lightroom – This is a cloud-based app that lets you click and edit images in it. Unlike Adobe Photoshop, this app is much easier to use. It allows importing and saving images along with tagging and sharing images across any device.

However, if you stay busy and just want to create a retro-vintage look on your photos simply, you may want to download photo editing apps that contain straight-cut retro filters and adjustment settings. These applications have inbuilt applications that can instantly transform your photo with a vintage feel.


Some photographers like to create authentic looks for their vintage photos. Hence they invest more in old cameras, classic lenses, and digital software features as these can help in creating a vintage look.

If you want to recreate your images into something that is more vintage, you can try editing apps with vintage and retro inbuilt filters. This way you can instantly change your photos without too much adjusting. But if you want experimentation and a professional approach, you may want to use the available photo editing software with more advanced features.

After all, Instagram is a stage for the photo competition. If you want to play well in the game, you need to create your feed into something unique to garner attention and engagement.

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